football.db - League Quick Starter Sample - Mauritius Premier League - Create Your Own Repo/League(s) from Scratch
Added a new quick starter sample using the Mauritius Premier League to get you started creating your own leagues/cups/etc. from scratch.
You can test drive the quick starter sample with a single command e.g.:
$ sportdb build
To start from scratch follow these six steps:
- Step 1: Add all leagues
- Step 2: Add all clubs
- Step 3: Add all match fixtures and results
- Step 4: Add the league season “front matter” settings
- Step 5: Add a setups file list (also known as manifest)
- Step 6: Add a datafile build script - That’s it. Done.
Using a file structure like:
├── 2014-15 # 2014-15 season folder
| ├── league-i.txt # match fixtures / results - matchdays 1-18
| ├── league-ii.txt # - matchdays 19-36
| └── league.yml # "front matter" settings
├── setups
| └── all.txt # file list (manifest)
├── leagues.txt # all leagues
├── clubs.txt # all clubs
└── Datafile # build script
That’s it. Now try:
$ sqlite3 sport.db
SQLite version 3.7.16
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select * from countries;
sqlite> select * from teams;
1|joachim|Cercle de Joachim||CDJ|Cercle de Joachim SC|Joachim|1||t|||||f|
2|chamarel|Chamarel SC||CHA|Chamarel|Chamarel Sport Club|1||t|||||f|
and so on and so forth.