Using the football.db HTTP JSON(P) API


List all teams for an event (league+season) /event/:key/teams

/event/world.2014/teams World Cup 2014 Teams
/event/en.2013_14/teams English Premier League 2013/14 Teams

List all rounds for an event (league+season) /event/:key/rounds

/event/world.2014/rounds World Cup 2014 Matchdays
/event/en.2013_14/rounds English Premier League 2013/14 Rounds

List all rounds for today or a date /rounds/today|:YYYY.MM.DD

/rounds/today All rounds scheduled for today
/rounds/2014.6.30 All rounds scheduled for July 30th, 2014

List all games in a round for an event (league+season) /event/:key/round/:pos|today

/event/world.2014/round/20 20th Round (=> Final)
/event/en.2012_13/round/4 4th Round
/event/en.2013_14/round/today English Premier League 2013/14 - all games for today’s round (or if no round scheduled for today the last one or if no last one the next upcoming one).


In your hypertext (HTML) document using a plain vanilla cross-domain JavaScript request (using the JSONP technique):

  function handleGames( json ) {
    // Do something with the returned data

<script src=""></script>

Or using the jQuery library using the getJSON() function:

$.getJSON('', function(json) {
    // Do something with the returned data

Note: Add the callback=? query parameter to tell jQuery to use a cross-domain JSONP request.

That’s it.

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